Financial Source of DANA is limited as of now. Such sources are derived from:-


  1. Monetary contribution whether in cash or cheque provided directly to the DANA from donation given by private individuals and groups;
  2. Subscription / Contribution or sponsorship under the Special Graduate Takaful Plan for Orphans;
  3. Contribution from Salary Deduction Scheme through Ministry of Finance as low as B$1.00 per month for applicable Government officers and employees;
  4. By way of Standing Instruction Scheme through banks as low as B$1.00 for account holders of Bank Islam Brunei Darussalam (BIBD), Perbadaan Tabun Amanah Islam Brunei (TAIB) and HSBC Brunei;
  5. DANA collection boxes located at selected mosques nationwide, YSHHB buildings such as YSHHB Complex, YSHHB schools and Head Office of YSHHB and various public places;
  6. By organizing fund raising activities through road shows at selected schools via fund raising activities whereby certain sum of money collected will be given to DANA and the remaining sum to be utilized by the schools;
  7. Through scholarships awarded by schools/education institution to further studies at the school/education institution;
  8. Through profit or dividend derived from DANA deposit in BIBD, TAIB and HSBC Brunei; and
  9. Contribution from charitable activities organized by government agencies and non-governmental bodies.